
All Saints welcomes all babies, children and families for baptism, whatever shape that family takes. Baptism is the amazing start of a journey of faith for you and your child and a special day for all your family and friends.
Our regular Messy Mass with craft activities, and All Age Communion Services are especially popular with young families and will help you explore faith and make new friends.
Baptisms generally take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 11.30am and if you are thinking of having a Baptism we would be delighted to hear from you.
For further information or to arrange a christening please contact the Parish Office.
Q. What's the difference between a christening and a baptism?
A. None, they are different words for the same service.
Q. What is christening?
A. This is the occasion when a person is received into the Christian Faith. It means that they become members of the world-wide Church and together with Christians of all denominations, they become part of God’s family. Christening marks the beginning of a journey of faith in which we reject all that is evil and seek to follow Jesus Christ. During the service, water is used as a visible sign of the outpouring of God’s love and forgiveness.
Q. What is the right age for christening?
A. Christening can happen at any age. When parents requests baptism for their children it should be their clear intention to bring up their child as a Christian. A person can only be christened once and that is why some people prefer to wait until adulthood. However, there are other ways of renewing your Christian commitment publicly as an adult if you were christened as a child and we would be pleased to advise you.
Q. I'm not a regular churchgoer. Can I still have my child baptised?
A. Yes. The Church believes that God's love is available to all, regardless of their background. However, you may wish to find out more about the Christian faith and what joining the Church involves before you make a decision about baptism. Your baptism visitor will be able to tell you more.
Q. When do christenings happen?
A. Christenings at All Saints Church usually take place on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 11.15am. Other families may be present on the same occasion but the church has ample seating capacity for everyone.
Q. What about Godparents?
A. Godparents should be people who can be relied upon to set a good example and to offer prayerful support for the child being baptised and to their family. They can be relatives or friends but it is a requirement in church law that a godparent must already be baptized and there should be at least one male and one female. If you have someone in mind that you would like to be a godparent but who is not baptised it is possible for them to take on the role of supporter instead. Your baptism visitor will be able to explain further.
Q. What does it cost?
A. A Christening service is free, though you will be invited to make a donation to church funds.