Fundraising and giving

If you would like to make a donation to the church there are a number of ways that this can be done.
- A payment direct to the church bank account as follows:
Account: All Saints Leighton Buzzard
Account No.: 00019360
Sort Code: 40-52-40 - Cheques payable to ‘All Saints Leighton Buzzard’ can be posted or handed in the office when it is open
- Payment by contactless card in church or in the office. Cash can be handed into the office.
- Payment by card using this link to
We raise funds every day, through collections in Church, special seasonal events and with the help of our wonderful coffee shop, The Spire. We are enormously grateful for the support given to us by the town of Leighton Buzzard, and you can help us indirectly by visiting the town centre and supporting the many and varied businesses to be found there.
If for any reason you wish to shop online, then one of the easiest things you can do to help is to do your internet shopping through our fundraising portal, Easyfundraising. Easyfundraising will give you access to hundreds of online retailers, from Asda and Amazon to WHSmith and all your favourites in between! Each of these retailers pays All Saints a commission, ranging from 1% to, in some cases, 15% or more — and you get your goods for the same price as you would have done by going direct to the retailer's website.
What's more Easyfundraising can help you with your shopping:
- If you know who you want to buy from, you can search the site by retailers' names.
- If you are looking for the best possible price, you can search by the item you want to buy and Easyfundraising will show you where that item is available, and at what price.
- You can also shop by categories, such as Books or Clothing.